davie ch: DSC_0747-Edit-Edit
keith.gallie: Long Tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus
davidlawrence15: Jet propelled!!
MarjieM777: Mama bluebird
Geoff Athey: Yellowhammer ♀
davie ch: DSC_9749-Edit-Edit
davidlawrence15: What fun!,
Tim J Preston: Sparrowhawk with Robin
MarjieM777: Oops! Hummingbird commentary
ianpreston: Turnstone DSCN8033
davie ch: DSC_9429-Edit-Edit
fotodave22: DSP08926 - Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
MarjieM777: September is "prime time" for birds and butterflies
keith.gallie: Goldeneye Bucephala clangula
ronreid911: Little Owl attacks Juvenile Kestrel
ronreid911: Bittern (Blacktoft Sands RSPB)
Stan Parrott: Sparrowhawk (f)
davidlawrence15: Buzzard.
davidlawrence15: Barn Owl.
Feather as a Light: Eastern Barn Owl (Tyto javanica)
MarjieM777: Scarlet tanager in the oak near the garden
MarjieM777: Late afternoon in the garden
Geoff Athey: Common Tern
AlbertP63: Barn Owl Hunting
AlbertP63: Barn Owl in evening sun
keith.gallie: Common wolf spider Pardosa pullata
Geoff Athey: Guillemot
davidlawrence15: Red kite.
MarjieM777: Spicebush swallowtail on the lantana
MarjieM777: Explored June 28, 2023-Morning coffee with the hummingbirds