Amadika: 1. Hi. I’m starting with a selfie cuz it’s been a while and I sure did a lot of those back then.. and because I had a nice hair day (which NEVER happens) and well because I don’t know what else to post! I need to get back in the swing of flickering. :blus
evaxebra: Day 4515
Thomas Hawk: Washita Motel
Thomas Hawk: I Know Just What She's Thinking
Thomas Hawk: Hey Yo
leesure: Cleer Audio Headphones
leesure: Cleer Audio Headphones
leesure: Cleer Audio Headphones
Thomas Hawk: Oscar Jonesy
catklein: pastel dreams
Sabinche: sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax
Sabinche: spider attack
aleshurik: streets of Arseguel...
evaxebra: Day 3435
themanilow: 153/365
themanilow: 147/365
themanilow: 151/366
themanilow: 152/365
themanilow: 167/365
themanilow: 168/365
themanilow: 174/365
themanilow: 175/365
gaymay: June 26, 2013
DEARTH !: Take to the Air
maxst001: Pre-Lunch Walk
A.B. Art: Colors of Earth
evaxebra: Day 3024
DEARTH !: Rogpa Shop & Cafe