Matthias.Kahrs: Steinkauz (Athene noctua)
aleshurik: Under the old oak
Ioannisdg: Lake Doxa, Corinthia - Greece
Noisy Paradise: untitled
Noisy Paradise: untitled
aleshurik: Когда цвела ирга..
Noisy Paradise: untitled
Noisy Paradise: untitled
Noisy Paradise: untitled
aleshurik: meditation
Smoking room: 風呂/bathroom
gnsk: sakura_79
engrjpleo: Inaladelan Island and the Turtle Spot
GSB Photography: Great Falls National Park, Virginia
Franck Zumella: Crested Grebe vs Human Behavior
Smoking room: Bond ,,,, James Bond >3<
Smoking room: おでん/kimono lady
Smoking room: 「う〜ん、キノコご飯?」/thinking about tonight dinner
Smoking room: MANU COFFEE
Smoking room: NISSAN AT GINZA
Smoking room: BROOKLIN BREWERY at hongkong
Smoking room: 博多官兵衛/let's eat sashimi tonight !!!
Smoking room: 鳩の糞/Pigeon droppings