smokey lace: Sisters tintype
smokey lace: Twin? sisters with photo album tintype
smokey lace: Girl on swing tintype
smokey lace: Poor little girl with doll tintype
smokey lace: Eva in patterned dress tintype
jeffs4653: Found Photo - Circa 1900
JFGryphon: Special Effects Ghost, 1905 or 1906
pheared: img559a
lisby1: Frowning Girl, 1/9th-Plate Ruby Ambrotype, Circa 1861
benicektoo: Louisa Johnson.
jeffs4653: Found Photo - Circa 1900
jeffs4653: Found Photo - Circa 1900
jeffs4653: Found Photo
benicektoo: Twins, Jess & Nor Waters
AtypicalArt: The Masquerade Ball, 1912
AtypicalArt: Banjo-Ukelele & Grass Skirt
AtypicalArt: Woman With Shifty Eyes
AtypicalArt: Griffith's Portrait
otisourcat: Swim Family
otisourcat: Rusting away woman
cardboy1: Pensive Young Woman
cardboy1: Girls in the Woods
Lynne's Lens: Cheesecake and Sphere
pheared: img970a
Lynne's Lens: Agriculture Plant Quarantine
Lynne's Lens: Old Photo of a Photographer Photographing
amy's antics: Great Grandma and her cat
Buttons McTavish: Helen Turner as Vanity (4)