tinyfishy: N.American Species #636a : GREAT BLACK HAWK from Panama
ABERLIN2009: Lesser Coucal 番鵑 181
kinsella.brendan: Freckled Duck (Stictonetta naevosa). These ducks are rare and endangered in Australia. In states where shooting is allowed this rare bird sometimes gets shot. This is a young male. Breeding plumage brings the cere to a bright red.
bitemesucker2000: Blue-mantled Thornbill
賞景者 Jeff Lin: IMG_4288 紅黃擬啄木 Red-and-yellow Barbet
bobmullen777: GreyGhost18 2-28-2020
rogercollorick: Barn owl
bitemesucker2000: Crimson-bellied Woodpecker
bitemesucker2000: Amazonian Umbrellabird
bitemesucker2000: Tit-like Dacnis
avalon8174: ALP_8575 - Red-headed Tit
kimng2: 'Digit' - The Prairie Falcon
Patrick Monney: Actinodure à gorge striée - Doi Inthanon/Chiang Mai/TH_20191202_581
elhadilaarej.5: 2019-05-30_11-50-57
udnleo, 文武: 7Q2_3838_副本
udnleo, 文武: Asia Paradise Flycatcher, 長尾白綬帶
paulberridge: Metalic starlings
Dah Professor: Swallow-tailed Gull
elbert7878: AZ8M5533_comb_exif
Tomingramphotography.com: Baltimore Oriole interaction
_Diga_: Together with spring wind ...
O'Summer: 長耳鴞 / Long-eared owl
lai01030342: DSC_7075
stephen-yang: 04火冠戴菊-20190404-Sony-A9-8139
stephen-yang: 13遊隼-20190503-Sony-A9-2998
pakart62: Keeping an eye on each other - Blue Jay and Great Horned Owl chick - two shots, moments apart, merged
Nigey2: untitled-275-Edit