michael.jh: Goldfinch "Carduelis carduelis"
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Jay - St John's School Buckhurst Hill
NickWakeling: Turtle Dove
NickWakeling: Spoonbill
NickWakeling: Cattle Egret
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: record shot Immature Goshawk - Chingford Plain Epping Forest
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Red Fox thought the grass- Chingford Plain Epping Forest
qazplm098: Speckled wood, Hartlip, Kent
Paul Brouns: Flight of Imagination
airsoftrob1080: Hobby over Stodmarsh.
walmerwildlife@gmail.com: Ringed Plover - Charadrius hiaticula
mauro_morando: Spinus spinus - Ronco Scrivia (GE), Italia - 20/1/24 (OM-1 & 300/4, 1/320", f/4, ISO 2000, time stitching of 2 shots)
michael.jh: Sandwich Tern "Thalasseus sandvicensis"
michael.jh: Sanderling " Calidris alba"
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Marsh Tit - Connaught Water Epping Forest
michael.jh: Small Copper "Lycaena phlaeas"
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Red Fox - Epping Forest Chingford Plain
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Grass Snake - Epping Forest
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Silver-washed Fritillary - Button Seed Corner Epping Forest
airsoftrob1080: Soldier Beetle at Warnham.
Werner Ustorf: Monument in place
airsoftrob1080: Damselfly Blue Tailed Portrait.
tarboat: Norfolk Hawker
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Marbled White - Warren Slope Epping Forest
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: White Admiral - Button Seed Corner Epping Forest
Richard Saville - Nature Photography: Vixen - Buckhurst Hill
Lloyd-Davies: Lasioglossum