ellen.kalkman: Reflections in Rotterdam
hjuengst: spiral beauty
Le P'tit Eric!!!!!: Avec le petit Éric, cela pique!!!
Niall Corbet: Roquefixade
Saguaro Pictures: Full Lucky
Mark Willard Photography: Together Forever Fireworks
hvhe1: My mole, mom!!
respect_all_plants: Cota austriaca (formerly Anthemis austriaca) (Austrian Chamomile), habit, Nashe's Farm, St Albans, Herts, 30.5.20
respect_all_plants: Oenothera biennis (Common Evening Primrose), flower, Roehyde, Herts, 22.6.20
Michiel Thomas: Tragopogon porrifolius
Michiel Thomas: Zwartblauwe rapunzel met bijtje
GORGEous nature: Hesperochiron pumilus 20190602_2556
Bas Kers (NL): Swertia perennis (Alpine bog or Star swertia)
Bas Kers (NL): Gentiana asclepiadea (Willow gentian / Zijdeplantgentiaan)
L'herbier en photos: Lythrum hyssopifolia
Earth Lore Photographic Library: Atriplex glabriuscula. Babington's Orache.
Michiel Thomas: Carder bee, Akkerhommel, Bombus pascuorum
Michiel Thomas: Eexterveld
Steve Balcombe: The kingfisher and the fish #2 of 4
respect_all_plants: Saxifraga aizoides (Yellow Saxifrage), close-up, Ben Suardal, Skye, 4.6.19
Jim Morefield: yellow pincushion plant, Navarretia breweri
Steve Balcombe: Private Fishing
GORGEous nature: Northern Shrike 20181118_0243
L'herbier en photos: Hormathophylla lapeyrouseana
Claudie K: un thym, en fait: Coridothymus capitatus, Lamiaceae
Mientras tú dormías visité tu mente: Beautiful Achimenes in the wild
Nelleke C: A phonecall from the past
Michiel Thomas: Isn’t it lovely?