♥ ♥ ♥ flickrsprotte♥ ♥ ♥: Für den Nachwuchs sorgen!
charhedman: Rest Stop
charhedman: Paris Love
charhedman: Meditation
gseloff: Crossing
Douguerreotype: Switchback
jwfoto1973: Hochschule im Abendlicht
hanspartes: Sunset near Porec
Sergio Nevado: Laguna de Manjavacas (explored)
Alexander Burkhardt: Royal Exchange London
W & V: libélula
Aerial Photography: Bavarian Sakura
Aerial Photography: River Vils At Rutting, Bavaria
Subdive: Bumblebee
agedsenator: Vedi Napoli e poi muori..
Alfred Koppel: IMG_3322
Michaeljohn: IMG_0214
Mayur Kotlikar: Hornbill [Nikon][D7000][300mm F4 AF-S][India]
Bluesrose: dying outer planet
♥ ♥ ♥ flickrsprotte♥ ♥ ♥: Matjes a la el Möwenschiss.
Wolfgang Staudt: Frankfurt am Main 4
cindyloughridge: for the love of instant film
cindyloughridge: a rare summer day in san francisco
cindyloughridge: my curious little one
Michael Döring: Orang-Utan
Michael Döring: Flamingo