sandi.;)): sandi by210
sandi.;)): sandi by211
sandi.;)): sandi by 212
sandi.;)): sandi by 213
sandi.;)): sandi by 214
gatierf: Silberdistel
gatierf: Zugspitzbahn
gatierf: Zugspitze aus dem Höllental
Joachim Photo Arts: The first October morning
Joachim Photo Arts: Missing you
Joachim Photo Arts: Missing you
Joachim Photo Arts: Missing you
Izakigur: Taken in La Chaux-de-Fonds at Winter time.Canton of Neuchatel, Switzerland. No. 266.
Meinersmann, Thomas: Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Meinersmann, Thomas: Cygnus olor
Nicole Nicky: Wooden fence DSC02517 clôture en bois - I love this fence that I pass by every day. J'adore cette clôture que je passe tous les jours.
Nicole Nicky: Man concentrating, Homme concentré.
Nicole Nicky: Animal, squirrel, Blackie fell off the top line. Now working on strategy. DSC_4021 Écureuil, Blackie est tombé de la première ligne. Il travaille maintenant sur la stratégie.
Nicole Nicky: Insect, Spider on web DSC_3984 Araignée sur une toile
musette thierry: Chatte Congrats on Explore! étoile October
musette thierry: Le grand départ
JohannesMayr: Kleines Walsertal / Allgäu / Bavaria
JohannesMayr: Brandenburger Tor / Berlin
JohannesMayr: Guggersee / Allgäu / Bavaria / Germany
JohannesMayr: ***Allgäu / Bavaria***
JohannesMayr: ***Hiking*** (Allgäu/ Bavaria)
JohannesMayr: Cascades (Allgäu/ Bavaria)