Tony Wu Underwater Photography: Upside Down Sperm Whale
Mister Oy: Kingfisher 1
paeuk: Kingfisher
Geoff. S: Great Tit
AllHarts: Blue Jay
AllHarts: Co-mingling
AllHarts: Tufted Titmouse
AllHarts: female Cardinal
AllHarts: Eastern Towhee, male
AllHarts: Prothonotary Warbler
AllHarts: House Sparrow
AllHarts: My better side!
AllHarts: Am I pretty?
AllHarts: Co-mingling
AllHarts: Bluebird
carlroberts1971: Kingfisher with Fish
Sergey Yeliseev: Kingfisher
Symoto: Pied Butcherbird
Dennis Gurner: Well actually yes I have put on a little weight.
Dennis Gurner: Mr Robin Redbreast
henkel2009: Bower bird
wombalano: Bower bird: should I kick them
Symoto: Blue-faced Honeyeater imm
Symoto: Bar-shouldered Dove
Symoto: Double-barred finch
Symoto: Southern Boobook owl
Symoto: Blue-winged Kookaburra
Symoto: Blue-winged Kookaburra