wombalano: high rise towers reflecting in Canberra Lake Ginninderra
wombalano: Canberra: Lake Ginnindera water surface colours under a motor bridge
wombalano: Close up of a pot grown Eremophila flower (Eremophila Gubburra bells)
wombalano: Eremophila Gubburra Bells
wombalano: sappling eucalypt showing its bright colours
wombalano: Walking track to Snug Falls
wombalano: Snug Falls Creek directly below Snug Falls pond
wombalano: Snug Falls; people standing by the pool maybe getting spray from the falls
wombalano: Hibbertia empetrifolia Scrambling guineaflower close up section: removed from a scrambling wlldshrub on Kermandie River road, Geeveston:
wombalano: Scrambling guineaflower Hibbertia empetrifolia creeping over undergrowth along the Pelverata Falls track
wombalano: Pelverata Falls tumbling over dolerite cliffs before falling around 100m to the creek
wombalano: Slippery Creek Falls cascading over dolerite organ pipes before plunging around 100m down into dry forest valley
wombalano: Rainbow floating over the hillside looking from the new boardwalk at Port Huon
wombalano: Last nights heavy snow fall on Hartz mountain
wombalano: yet more colour and shapes along the path to Arve Falls
wombalano: Just a bit early for Tasmanian waratah flowers to be open here
wombalano: fine white strands Look like my hair but is it a lichen
wombalano: OK it is a bit wet today: during spring drizzle
wombalano: Alpine Heathland of Hartz mountain looks perfectly manicured though a bit wet
wombalano: Our magnolias are opening so it might be spring
wombalano: The Arve river plunges down into taller forest and the mists rise
wombalano: Arve Falls from the lookout on a damp day
wombalano: Colours and shapes near Arve falls on a drizzling day
wombalano: Another elegant though more recent church
wombalano: Cartela, once a beautiful ship, sitting waiting and ageing, moored off Franklin
wombalano: Elegant Dover Community Church
wombalano: perfect ring on calm water
wombalano: Huon Ronja Storm: "Most loved salmon"
wombalano: our Camelia
wombalano: blue and white ship against a beautiful background