Shadow Hunter: Whistling Duck Sunset
C. Pasin: Degustando açaí
C. Pasin: Passarinho-zebra
jackie.during: namaqua dove
jackie.during: Common Sandpiper
jackie.during: Common Fiscal
jackie.during: mini-IMG_8200
jackie.during: Red-eyed bulbul
jackie.during: leopard with kill
jackie.during: hungry squirrel
jackie.during: yum lunch
njchow82: Snowy Owl
jackie.during: Little Egret
s.k300c: king fisher with snack
joe_Barr: Grey-headed Kingfisher
Ivens Riboldi: Casal de Quiriquiris (Falco sparverius)
jackie.during: Mallard-male
jackie.during: Cape Shoveler
jackie.during: imm.kelp gull...oops
jackie.during: Common Starling
Dario Sanches: TUCANO-DE-BICO-VERDE (Ramphastos dicolorus)
Candice Swarts: Crowned Plover
Candice Swarts: White Throated Swallow
Candice Swarts: Chinspot Batis
spw6156 - Over 9,432,008 Views: MALE MANDARIN DUCK (500 MM LENS HAND HELD)
Rupert Pye: Great Spotted Woodpecker 7D-5131
Swenglishnick & Zimgirl: Western Corella
Celi Aurora: Thraupis sayaca ( Sanhaço-do-mamoeiro ou Sanhaço-cinza ) - 10795
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Black winged kite, Pratapgarh, Rajasthan. Photo GS Bhardwaj