Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: A misty morning in Kaziranga
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Lesser Florican displaying
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Self in the eye of toad
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Dancing Chital
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Production vs production
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Tigress in protected monument
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Crouching tigress
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Striped Hyena
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Himalaya Griffon (Gyps himalayensis)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Dusky Crag Martin (Hirundo concolor)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Crimson Sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja) Male
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Brownish -flanked Bush Warbler (Cettia fortipes)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Asian Openbill (Anastomus oscitans)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Blue Rock Thrush (Monticola solitarius) female 1
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Blue-capped Rock Thrush (Monticola cinclorhynchus) male
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Blue-capped Rock Thrush (Monticola cinclorhynchus) female with prey
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Blue-capped Rock Thrush (Monticola cinclorhynchus) with prey
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Yellow-footed Green Pigeon (Treron phoenicoptera)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Yellow-eyed Babbler (Chrysomma sinense)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Yellow-billed Blue Magpie (Urocissa flavirostris)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Wire-tailed Swallow (Hirundo smithii)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: White-browed Fantail(Rhipidura aureola)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Whiskered Yuhina (Yuhina flavicollis)
Gobind Sagar Bhardwaj: Western Tragopan (Tragopan melanocephalus) male