[ raymond ]: Christ in the Desert Monastery
[ raymond ]: Coney Island
tienmao: open-uri20170412-22986-108owv4
Triborough: 62 ST.
me-myself-i: Hello Kitty and Honey Bear at Nathan’s Famous in Coney Island
[ raymond ]: Jefferson Memorial
tienmao: Snowy morning in NYC. Somewhat disappointed in the total snowfall, but at least I didn't have to shovel. #latergram
[ raymond ]: Snowy Owl
tienmao: Man, they really sandwiched that Subway in there…
lornagrl: Awesome view from the new office!
Sean P. Sweeney: Me - Bored & Alone
Melody Migas: Glitter and Globes
jenchung: Yay #bubbles in Central Park
lornagrl: Gorgeous sky in Brooklyn!
Laura Travels: Icebergs in August
lornagrl: Joy is the only one who will hold still.
E*M*H: Tree Handle
E*M*H: Abandoned Cherub
jenchung: Curtis as Katie's pillow
Tim Schreier: They Called It Stormy Monday...
E*M*H: EMH-101017_022 copya
jenchung: Waiting for the bus
Theresa Benedetto: So tell me now where was my fault, in loving you with my whole heart?
tienmao: Not only did my @gothamist coworkers saran wrap my desk, they jello molded my simpsons figurines.
jenchung: Katie and Hoda Kotb
jenchung: Morning light
Jay Fine: NY Harbor Wednesday Night
tienmao: I'm on the GWB. Not just on it, but actually on TOP of it.