Alessandro Merlo: I shall be late!
mivella: sunset over the brandenburg gate ;)
Lauren Peralta: Allison with a picture of her post surgery in 2008.
Simona Monteleone: Vision of Division
adolfo.trinca: _ADT4829
kara elise.: the drowning of snow white
konaboy: Green On Green
konaboy: San Clemente #3
konaboy: Lyman's #3
Michigan Nut: "September Gale" Grand Haven Breakwater Lighthouse is located in the harbor of Grand Haven, Michigan (Explore # 5 Sept, 16 2010)
PatrickSmithPhotography: 30 Seconds of My Life on the California Coast
-yury-: Coogee Beach
GirlAi: NYCTaxi
GirlAi: Fall drawings
GirlAi: they fell
FranK.Dip: ... che meraviglia !
GadiHext: Time tunnel
! . Angela Lobefaro . !: Portici mediovali di notte - Mediaeval Porches by night
! . Angela Lobefaro . !: Mount Olympus Vineyard