GadiHext: Sweet flowers
GadiHext: Kind'a crowdy?
GadiHext: Ring my bell
GadiHext: The kid
GadiHext: Hindu ceremony
GadiHext: Traveler's cofee house
GadiHext: Ganges valley
GadiHext: Ganges from my window
GadiHext: On their way to school
GadiHext: Street kitchen
GadiHext: At the end of the ceremony
GadiHext: Doing her laundry
GadiHext: people
GadiHext: Chariots of fire
GadiHext: Bridge
GadiHext: Transcendent
GadiHext: Bon appetit?
GadiHext: Women
GadiHext: Hinduistic
GadiHext: Trying to make a living
GadiHext: The look
GadiHext: Local transportation
GadiHext: Poverty
GadiHext: My private horror show
GadiHext: The streets
GadiHext: People
GadiHext: Always another train
GadiHext: People
GadiHext: peaceful
GadiHext: Meet the Sikh