Mighty June: Batman & Batma'am?
ilmungo: Man on a bicycle by a rainbow-colored fence, talking on his cell phone, while a pigeon flies overhead.
~ hba ~: Black Lahore Pigeon
Mighty June: Afraid to say hi to Matt Groening
ilmungo: The sky above the PFA
Mighty June: Asspoo
Telstar Logistics: Above Sutro Tower
amproehl: Map of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa
pocket pastry chef: SFO Victorian
Generik11: So Happy to See You
imin yeh: Goes against everything i learned in art school
Generik11: Making Plans for Tonite
krupp: a farewell to arms
Asian Art Museum: IMG_1505
bittermelon: DSC_5342
-nanio-: Tuba girl
mrcjhicks: Lighting World
Clearwaters Photo: Itty bitty tower
laura jessup: 365 :: 112
Generik11: Satanic Puppies of Doom
bittermelon: so accurate, so true
Mighty June: Mitzva Tank
Asian Art Museum: Picture 179
imin yeh: This is for you N. Harvey
-nanio-: Starting the year on the sidewalk
Muzzlehatch: Death vs. the Copier
bittermelon: taiwan: day 10 (keelung)
imin yeh: FDR Collage