Mighty June: View of the Volcano
Mighty June: Volcano at dusk
Mighty June: Lunchtime
Mighty June: Elefant towel art
Mighty June: Ride to Arenal
Mighty June: Drive to Monteverde
Mighty June: Lush and green everywhere
Mighty June: Open window boat ride
Mighty June: Green views across Arenal Lake
Mighty June: Wish you were here
Mighty June: Happy Birthday, Debs!
Mighty June: "Rainy Season"
Mighty June: BCC cocktail
Mighty June: But first
Mighty June: Drawing in the Pool
Mighty June: Artists in the Pool
Mighty June: Creeper shot
Mighty June: Demure Puppy Towel!
Mighty June: Rappelling down a waterfall
Mighty June: Rappelling Squad
Mighty June: Hiking through the forest
Mighty June: Toga towel party
Mighty June: Drankin
Mighty June: Gross face
Mighty June: So Excite!
Mighty June: Lazy time
Mighty June: View from the Springs
Mighty June: Animal Sanctuary
Mighty June: Toucans: Too Cute!