images@twiston: Simply awesome
AndiP66: A9908464_s
Stef54B: Upupa - Upupa epops
John N Hoang: Short-eared Owl taking off
Fu-Yi: Taiwan Barbet in Flight | 飛行中的台灣擬啄木
Paul McGoveran: Great Horned Owl 6003
Mobile Lynn: White-tailed Eagle with attitude 720_0798.jpg
JLS@Photos: European Roller (mating), Rollier d'Europe (accouplement)
Paul McGoveran: Belted Kingfisher 8770
cienne45: 24-661
Stephen B53: Kingfisher - at speed! [Explore #366 25.11.24]
Paul McGoveran: Harris's Hawk 4911
Paul McGoveran: Bald Eagle 3531
Mobile Lynn: Buzzard - Coming in low 901_1349.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Summer Tanager - Immature male 851_0724.jpg
Jaime A Ballestero: La entrada
Weja 68: IMG_ Henn harrier female
_Veit_: Switching Perches
Weja 68: IMG_ Hawfinch male
Paul McGoveran: Bald Eagle 2723
Mobile Lynn: White-tailed Eagle 720_4174.jpg
odd.steinveg: European Greenfinch - Chloris chloris - Grønnfink
Paul McGoveran: Snowy Owl 9013
nicole le roy91: Osprey early in the morning(Pandion haliaetus)/Balbuzard pêcheur tôt le matin
Mobile Lynn: Crimson-rumped Toucanet 504_8483.jpg
jsnchezyage: Buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus)
Mobile Lynn: White-tailed Eagle - Eye contact 720_0804.jpg
Weja 68: IMG_ Short eared owl