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albums of TedSher
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Our backyard--2019
Our backyard--2018
Our backyard--2017
Our backyard--2016
The lot off Austin Road
Norway, February 2015
Our backyard--2015
Modern times in Owatonna MN
US 14 and 218--2014
2013, our first year in Owatonna
US Highways 14 & 218
Division Street, St. Cloud MN
Modern Life
Drinking alone
BRAsterpieces Show at Whitney Sr. Center
2013, one a day
The forehead cancer saga
Art 2013
Lake George, 2013, Part 1
Museum of Russian Art, Minneapolis MN
Cousin Barbara discovers a family photo album from 1926-36
Two parks, separated by a river
36 pickleball pictuures
101 Ways to Improve Your Photography
Lint discs by Erik Brandt @ Kiehle Gallery, St. Cloud
Fall 2012 tour of northeastern Mn
The Dahl/Springer Norwegian dance orgy near Foley MN
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) takes to Mille Lacs Lake in a Viking long ship
The conversation
2012 Minnesota State Fair
2012 Benton County fair
Our back alley
Art Kulture, 2012
Robert Frost, Wooster OH, May 1962
Sneaking pix by pretending your camera is a cell phone
Baseball, the 2012 season.
Lake George, Part 2: 2012
Historical Evidence
Matching yellow
Midmorning at the clinic
Lake George 2012: Part 1
Notes from a Division Street copy editor
Kwanzaa, 2011
Return to Kiehle Visual Arts Center
ghosts (from old negs of uncertain origins)
Poles in our neighborhood
The search for the worst breakfast
Three days touring small midwestern towns, Oct. 2011
48th & Chicago
My day trip to Alphaville
Three days touring small west central Minnesota towns
vinyl covers
softball fields of Whitney Park, St. Cloud
From our 2011 north shore trip
Lake George 2011, part 2
2011 baseball season
The Cast, in order of appearance
Vegetable garden, 2011
Looking for the rock that looks most like North Dakota
Snowpile 2011
Ted's Science for Humanities majors
We go to the camera club meeting
The Marion Bible
Art galleries and related stuff, 2011-2012
Lake George 2011, Part 1
Beaver Island Trail, winter and summer
Pictures for an iPod
Winter Begins: The Rock Heavers
Lake George, the sound and the fury
Northumberland Street
St. Cloud's first Pridefest drag show
Mole Hill
2010 Minnesota state fair
Benton County Fair demolition derby
The moving of the house across the street
vocational training
Detroit Lakes and eastward, July 2010
Lake George 2010, Part 2
Fuji Series
baseball fan
Profiling, just another tool to keep our gardens under control
2010 baseball season
Our 86-mile trip to visit six small town baseball parks in central Minnesota on opening day of the 2010 amateur baseball season, namely April 25.
Mississippi River @ St. Cloud
The exhibition by 5,000 Minnesota artists
undated drawings
skaters on Lake George
skater on Lake George
Ice fishing on Lower Spunk Lake
salon des refuses
Kayaking the Everglades
Diary 2010 part 1
Lake George 2010 Part 1
Movies of all sorts
36 Views of St. Mary's Cathedral
Gallery season 2009-2010
Average Business Bureau of St. Cloud
Yevgeny Yevtushenko at St. Cloud
Rebuilding a team from scratch
dialogues & monologues
Virtual return to Aalborg
St. Cloud State student talent show, 2009
Return to Wooster
Sunday morning on the Soo Line Trail with Artie and the mule
My town
Operation Blueberry
Paperback heroes
Days at the fair
Artists at the Whitney Senior Center
Solomon D. Butcher (1854-1926)
Apostle Islands kayak trip: 2009
Personal stuff from 20th C.'s Middle Third
2009 Lake George, part 2
2009 Photo Diary, part 2
Danish digital video workshop, 2009
baseball season 2009
Baseball and me
Kaykak clinic
My big fat retirement party
desk, an annotated tour
Practice: The Fundamentals
Archeological finds from a retiring teacher's desk
Rites of Spring: "The Rock Heavers"
Rites of Spring: The snow melt watch
Denmark in December
lavona's knee
At the library looking at drawings
Ebony Night @ St. Cloud State University
Mayors of St. Cloud MN
I am Somalia
Photographs from the Library of Congress
2009 Photo Dairy, Part I
Lake George 2009 part 1
New Years Eve in Helsinki
Vacuum cleaner interviews
Name the movie/opera/play
John's and Caterina's Fabulous Home in St. Paul
Turning left
A night in Tom's cabin deep in the woods somewhere between Lake Superior and Canada
Wings, the Candian geese project
Art Exhibitions 2008-2009
St. Cloud's city center, St. Germain Street
Kiehle Gallery 2008-2009
Brave new illustrations
St. Cloud coffee culture
Ahistorical St. Cloud: Paleontological tours
Beaver Island Trail
My trip to Minneapolis to see the Twins play the Washington Nationals
old diary pix
2008 baseball season
Travels with the Hag: Spring 2008
baseball parks
Our little T@B trailer, now in the Badlands
diary 2008, part 2
Lake George 2008, Part 2
Saturday Morning Nutritionist
A sad young painter
The Last Snowball: Best of Ten
2008 US election year
family faces
2008 Diary, Part 1
2008 Lake George, Part I
Art in restaurants
New music students of Kristian Trombly
Burials, January 1999
Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, meine täättä hiiteen
2007 diary, part 3
2007 Lake George Part 3
2007 Lake George Part 2
2007 Diary, Part 2 (July 1-?)
The Signs of St. Cloud Bakery
2007 Lake George, Part I
2006 Lake George: July 26-Dec. 31, 2006
2002-2006 Lake George
Art and commerce in the Fifties
Bad River trip
Bad River Cemetery, Odanah WI
Seeking a cure
2007 Diary, Part 1 (Jan. 1-June 30)
2006 Diary, Part 2 (July 26-Dec. 31)
Diary 1
Diary hodgepodge
Building of the St. Cloud Library--2006-08
The Way Things Are
Pete's Place
Dec. 23, 2006--To and from Petes Place
St. John's Cantius Neighborhood Assn
Life around Lake George
My neighborhood
James Joyce's Mickey
library odeon
slouching to tabla rasa
Paddleboat sequence
Highway 23 overpass near downtown
Art Department
Kiehle Gallery 2007-08
2005-07 Kiehle Gallery Exhibitions
Potter Belmar Lab
Exhibitions 2006-2007
Exhibitions 2007-2008
Reading Coetzee
Mona's basket
Chamber Music Society of St. Cloud
Sucker Creek Nature Preserve
A romance in 5 parts
Letters to LaVona
Minnesota trip: May 2007
Tom & Ted Go Fishing
Lake George tree
Special Olympics at St. Cloud State University
LaVona drives home
Minnesotans in NYC
St. Benedicts Convent and Sacred Heart Chapel
1933 German election posters
Helping an orphan find its birthplace
Mom's last pictures
Mariachi of Minnesota
Grove City getaways
Name the movie
The Monument
The Extended Family
I love pho
The Stacks
Seth's Ten Requests
The Egg Thief
Twin Cities
Bike Critical Mass
County Fair, 2006
The Sermon
Mona's therapy
German lessons
Joe & Joni's 30th anniversary bash
Birthday party for a lake cabin
Small town baseball
2007 River Bats
2006 River Bats
An afternoon with Fluxus
Letters to and from Norway
20 minutes in Zurich: 2000
Berlin und Süd 2000
Alnwick Drawings 1989
Northumberland, Etc. 93
Czech Republic & Germany '95
Kids by kids
local politics
Unidentified B/W from 90's to 02
DeStijl Bridge
southeastern SD, 2004
Voices from the dead
Street Metal
Lab Truble
Lexus Nexus flyby
Wayne Terwilliger
Lecturers lecturing
The Fabulous Wedding Dance
Neighborhood igloo, New Years Eve 2005
Christmas Eve in Grove City (pop. 750) MN, 2005
Vietnamese nightsin St. Cloud
Smiling women
LaVona's glasses
Portrait of an artist as a young Wolf
Tractor drivers
2004 Thanksgiving Day Parade, NYC
Fishing Lessons
Move In Day
Wings of Desire
Motel rooms
Loading docks
Honoring June Marlowe
The Dean's Party
an old story
Ministry of Reshelving
Danish photojournalists 2007 & 2008
Danish Photojournalists 2006
Danish Press Workshop 2005
Yellow sprint
White sprint
Red sprint