TedSher: Batting cage
TedSher: batting cage
TedSher: batting cage
TedSher: backyard
TedSher: Monday, Aug. 5
TedSher: LaVona goes out for ice cream
TedSher: Thursday, Aug. 8
TedSher: red shirts
TedSher: Little car wash on the prairie
TedSher: View of US 14 and 218
TedSher: Steele County Fair after the fair
TedSher: Steele County fair after the fair
TedSher: Thursday, Aug. 28
TedSher: New asphalt, parking lot, Owatonna MN
TedSher: New asphalt, parking lot, Owatonna MN
TedSher: New asphalt, parking lot, Owatonna MN
TedSher: New asphalt, parking lot, Owatonna MN
TedSher: L. setting up her computer in front of a painting by Gayle Cole
TedSher: On the prairie, Sunday morning
TedSher: New pub down the street resurfaced an old car park
TedSher: Womem's Breast Cancer Awareness Day in Blooming Prairie (pop 2,000)
TedSher: Before and after
TedSher: Sunset at the development
TedSher: Sunset at the development
TedSher: Sunset at the development
TedSher: Sunset at the development
TedSher: Sunset at the development
TedSher: Sunset at the development
TedSher: portrait at the deli