carrolldeweese: 5C2B3672_DxO
carrolldeweese: 5C2B3593_DxO
Laurent Mayet: Moineau domestique
Laurent Mayet: Au soleil couchant
Laurent Mayet: Dans sa bulle
Autophocus: Fall in the Laurentians 4
Autophocus: Fall in the Laurentians 2
Autophocus: Fall in the Laurentians 1 (Explored January 25, 2025)
Paulo Kelly: Pigeon House Chimneys
Paulo Kelly: Winter’s here but spring is only around the corner
Ricardony2012: One Vanderbilt view from inside in the evening
Vince Montalbano (autofocus): Before There Was Glass
Vince Montalbano (autofocus): When Flatheads Reined Supreme
horstjudykaiser: Fascination and heartache
horstjudykaiser: Fascination and heartache
toddkeith533: Northern Flicker at work
toddkeith533: dark and dreary - SOOC
maccie1: Garden Resident
maccie1: Cafe Shelter
/........./: Tableau
/........./: Le Drapeau
natureloving: Dahlia Susan french
Andrelo2014: Historische Wasserspeicher in Brünn - 2
JEAN TOUSSAINT TOSI: Free like a bird
Mathias Leon Fischer: Mount Etna Road
dmac12158: Competing for Fishing Territory
loveexploring: Narrow-lipped hammer orchid- Drakaea thynniphila
Paulo Kelly: Swell during Storm Herminia
Katy on the Tundra: Red Corona