toddkeith533: Odd Couple - Blue Heron and Cormorant
toddkeith533: struggling birch tree, I have been watching it for years
toddkeith533: trio - still life
toddkeith533: In the wild - Anna's Hummingbird
toddkeith533: .. .... ... Flow!
toddkeith533: stick .. ... ...
toddkeith533: dark and dreary - SOOC
toddkeith533: Northern Flicker at work
toddkeith533: Ursula
toddkeith533: ye olde Oak tree
toddkeith533: Mr. Grump says Hello - Scrubjay
toddkeith533: up close with a Nutria
toddkeith533: Wetlands Triangle
toddkeith533: after a cold morning feeding frenzy
toddkeith533: lichen abstract
toddkeith533: big pond
toddkeith533: Red Fox since 1947
toddkeith533: Rafiki “Look harder” wisdom and knowledge
toddkeith533: the other pond
toddkeith533: Spotted by a Cooper's Hawk
toddkeith533: My favorite walk - leading lines
toddkeith533: old fashioned
toddkeith533: Looking for Freddie
toddkeith533: What can I say? - Black Phoebe
toddkeith533: Olaf arrives
toddkeith533: Full steam ahead - Northern Shoveler
toddkeith533: fancy mortar and pestle
toddkeith533: Jiminy puts on a show
toddkeith533: Been awhile since I got an Anna's Hummingbird
toddkeith533: Brick this