Berta...: Whispery White Dresses ..
danske: blurrywindy
My Twirly Girls: Summer Swimming
Ves Aronova: Beelitz Heilstätten
BreeWalk: Polaroids+ Cannon Beach = Magic
heidill: follow xii
jaime m: Charity Print Auction for Haiti - Sold to SophieG*, patti | dearmissdoll and albantzar
Iro {Ivy style33}: she knows about style ~
Hélène G: Douceur softness -Hommage à Theresa (T Does Wool)
Mahnie: For T Does Wool
{life through the lens}: Inspired by: t does wool
Kim Klassen: t- love.... :)
helen sotiriadis: a gift from theresa
wild goose chase: Hammershoi
leslie*thomson: golden slumber
Mary Pavlova: 60520004
Nikole Herriott: feathers!
Fabiana Gauto Photography: Things I ♥ Thursdays: Fotografía de autor # 5 (THERESA)...
Msjunior- slowly catching up: The adjective EXQUISITE has 4 senses:Intense or Sharp, Lavishly Elegant & Refined-Delicately Beautiful and of Extreme Beauty
Iro {Ivy style33}: ~ capturing moments ...
tinctory: XXVI.