t does wool: Apple blossom season
t does wool: looking for the way out
t does wool: An American in Paris
t does wool: Red Hot Poker
t does wool: Clematis
t does wool: Forget Me Not
t does wool: Autumn Haiku
t does wool: something true
t does wool: “The color of truth is grey.” ― André Gide —
t does wool: the last of the peonies.
t does wool: for a moment
t does wool: winter garden
t does wool: a winter mind. Early in the year when one has a mind of winter, / And the sun sets its curls under Aquarius, /And the length of a night is nearly half a day, / With ink that soon vanishes,…” Dante, Inferno; “Canto XXIV,”
t does wool: Contemplating“I live not in dreams but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future.” ― Rainer Maria Rilke —
t does wool: in a blur
t does wool: Autumn in my pocket
t does wool: Mysteriously Myself.
t does wool: my bit of light ...
t does wool: Locked in Love~
t does wool: "Are we not all adrift in the constant sea of trial and when all is done, do we not all yearn for ships to carry us home?” ― Nathan Reese Maher #tdoeswool That morning in #Waikiki memories of #Honolulu
t does wool: moody me
t does wool: a beret, postcards and Paris.....
t does wool: Beach Memories //
t does wool: Continuing the mirror series #self #mirror. The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other’s welcome.” ― Derek Walcott, Sea Grapes
t does wool: it's always spring in Paris~
t does wool: an american in Paris~
t does wool: balancing on the left bank~
t does wool: dropping in…
t does wool: learning to see~