Chantal Jacques Photography: In the Land of the Giants - American Dipper
Schocken Photography: Subadult Caracara (Explored, January 28, 2025)
Chantal Jacques Photography: The very secretive Varied Thrush
george_gww: _24A8467 g7
sherrihendricks98: Kicking Up Spray
Chantal Jacques Photography: Red-breasted Sapsucker
Ruthie Kansas: Bald Eagle Liftoff
Chantal Jacques Photography: Cloud Nine Sailing- American Wigeon Style
okiox: Japanese bush warbler. Horornis diphone
Chantal Jacques Photography: In the land of the Giants - Western Sandpiper
sherrihendricks98: Sunset Fly By
nomoredarkroom: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
sherrihendricks98: Fly Like An Eagle
E_Rick1502: American Kestrel
acadia_breeze4130: Ice Fishing [Explored]
Thy Photography: Western Screech Owls
Chantal Jacques Photography: Dunlin on the go
E_Rick1502: Rough Legged Hawk
acadia_breeze4130: Green Heron in Autumn
acadia_breeze4130: Snowy Squirrel
Chantal Jacques Photography: All Landing Gear Up - Oystercatcher Style
george_gww: _24A0960 g( 7a
Thy Photography: Western Screech Owl
Sue Milks (gone birding): Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo carbo) - 20240712-08
sherrihendricks98: A Quick Flap
Matt Ketter: Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii)
Chantal Jacques Photography: Rock Top Haven for Harlequin Ducks
acadia_breeze4130: American Wigeon, male
acadia_breeze4130: Happy New Year 2025!