matt hrkac: Extinction Rebellion: Red Rebels at the Twelve Apostles against gas exploration
School Strike 4 Climate: Sept. 25 Boggabri, NSW
School Strike 4 Climate: Melbourne School Strike for Climate Action 1
School Strike 4 Climate: Thea at Day 1 of the School #ClimateStrike in Bendigo
Geoffmo: Cyclovia, Sydney Road Melbourne
Frontline Action on Coal: 25th October 2017
anttilipponen: Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 - 2016.
anttilipponen: Temperature anomalies 2016
anttilipponen: Temperature anomalies 1980
Frack Free WA: Gasfield Free Chittering Declaration
Vaccines at Sanofi: Aedes aegypti mosquito
Loïc Lagarde: Flood in Paris
Break Free from Fossil Fuels: Ende Gelände - Day 1
Break Free from Fossil Fuels: Ende Gelände - Day 1
Reclaim the Power: Coal_Camp_Action_AScaife-19
Reclaim the Power: Coal_Camp_Action_AScaife-03
Reclaim the Power: Coal_Camp_Action_AScaife-14
Reclaim the Power: _MG_7945
Reclaim the Power: End Coal Now - action
Reclaim the Power: End Coal Now - action
Reclaim the Power: End Coal Now - action
Break Free from Fossil Fuels: Ffos-f-fran, Wales, United Kingdom
Break Free from Fossil Fuels: Ffos-f-fran, Wales, United Kingdom
ValK.: #Nantes: après plusieurs prises de parole, le rassemblement #NDDL de dernière minute part en cortège dans les rues.
ValK.: MÊME PAS PEUR ! #Nantes: manifestation de soutien aux victimes de tous les fascismes. Arundel, UK
Daniel Mullen: Rusty-patched Bumblebee
Frans Berkelaar: Tour de France 2015 - Premier groupe/Leading group/Kopgroep - Haastrecht - Zuid-Holland - Pays-Bas
Victor van Werkhooven: Tweede etappe Tour de France 2015