John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): We say no new Coal and Gas outside Labor Peter Khalil MP office
John Englart (Takver): Zero Carbon Merri-bek mural
John Englart (Takver): Zero Carbon Merri-bek mural
John Englart (Takver): Zero Carbon Merri-bek mural
John Englart (Takver): Zero Carbon Merri-bek mural
John Englart (Takver): Juliet and Jones at Zero Carbon Merri-bek mural
John Englart (Takver): John, Juliet and Indiana Jones arrested for climate civil disobedience Chihuahuas For Climate Action. 20231209_XR_Melbourne_0253
John Englart (Takver): Getting ready to march at Treasury Gardens IMG_4485
John Englart (Takver): Modern day 21st century Mary Poppins with Juliet and Indiana Jones going into climate civil disobedience IMG_4497
John Englart (Takver): These school climate strikers are pretty awesome IMG_3806
John Englart (Takver): We are getting wet, DAD, time to do your Mary Poppins. IMG_3801
John Englart (Takver): Awhooo... we are on the march for climate justice IMG_3802
John Englart (Takver): Bright lovely Extinction Rebellion Flags IMG_3804
John Englart (Takver): This is how we see the climate protest IMG_3812
John Englart (Takver): They'll get wet bums sitting on the ground, Dad. IMG_3813
John Englart (Takver): Video: Arrested: John Englart, Indiana Jones and Juliet on ABC News IMG_3839
John Englart (Takver): Flinders street and Swanston Street Occupied! IMG_3807
John Englart (Takver): Flinders street and Swanston Street Occupied! with the climate protest IMG_3809
John Englart (Takver): There is Flinders street station. Flinders street and Swanston Street Occupied! IMG_3810
John Englart (Takver): That is us on our bike waiting to be arrested. IMG_4500
John Englart (Takver): Here we are patiently waiting to be arrested for climate disruption. IMG_3814
John Englart (Takver): We were on the flank of those sitting down waiting to be arrested. IMG_4502
John Englart (Takver): Constant rain while we disrupted the intersection. Of course more extreme weather already causing major climate disruptions. IMG_4523