John Englart (Takver): Moreland climate CUP. Old King Coal had to be put down. 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_9373
John Englart (Takver): What do we want? Climate action! When do we want it? Now! 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_9375
John Englart (Takver): No New Gas 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7812
John Englart (Takver): The kids have taken over the cardboard horses 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7811
John Englart (Takver): Rhydian Cowley talking how climate change already impacting Olympic sports 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7810
John Englart (Takver): The kids have taken over the cardboard horses 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7809
John Englart (Takver): The kids have taken over the cardboard horses 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7808
John Englart (Takver): The kids have taken over the cardboard horses 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7807
John Englart (Takver): Marching through Victoria Street Mall 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7806
John Englart (Takver): Marching through Victoria Street Mall 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7805
John Englart (Takver): And they are off racing in the Race to Zero Emissions2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7804
John Englart (Takver): Powerful Sun and King Coal at the starting gate, Race to Zero Emissions 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7803
John Englart (Takver): Powerful Sun ready to light up this Race to Zero Emissions 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7802
John Englart (Takver): Time to put King Coal out to pasture, in Race to Zero Emissions 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7801
John Englart (Takver): 100% renewables by 2030 one of our key demands by Climate Coalition of Moreland 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7800
John Englart (Takver): Lisa O'Halloran on need for changing mobility and transport emissions in Moreland 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7799
John Englart (Takver): Say Nup to Coal 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7798
John Englart (Takver): Cr Sue Bolton at Moreland Climate CUP 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7797
John Englart (Takver): Cr Sue Bolton speaking on the necessity of climate action, including by Moreland Council to phase out gas 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7796
John Englart (Takver): Rhydian Cowley starts the proceedings at Moreland Climate Cup 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7795
John Englart (Takver): Rhydian Cowley starts the proceedings at Moreland Climate Cup 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7793
John Englart (Takver): Some music as a prelude to Moreland Climate Cup 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7792
John Englart (Takver): Gathering outside the Coburg library for inaugural Moreland Climate Cup 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7791
John Englart (Takver): Clever kids know climate action is needed 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7790
John Englart (Takver): Clever kids know climate action is needed 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7789
John Englart (Takver): Clever kids know climate action is needed 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7788
John Englart (Takver): Moreland Climate Cup poster 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7787
John Englart (Takver): Race to Zero Emissions banner, Coburg.2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_7786
John Englart (Takver): Kids had some climate fun chalking outside the library 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_E9381
John Englart (Takver): Sign outside Peter Khalil's office highlighting Labor's gas problem 2021-11-06-MorelandClimateCup-Coburg-JE_IMG_E9380