John Englart (Takver):
Final hours of COP23 - IMG_5272
John Englart (Takver):
Final Climate Action Network press conference COP23 - IMG_5265
John Englart (Takver):
Statue of Liberty in Rheinaue Park at COP23 - IMG_5263
John Englart (Takver):
One person protest outside Bonn Zone highlighting population growth as climate problem at COP23 - IMG_5260
John Englart (Takver):
Andrea Bunting apologising for Australia to President Tommy Remengesau of Palau at COP23 - IMG_5259
John Englart (Takver):
Planning for smart energy micro-grids on Palau - COP23 - IMG_5258
John Englart (Takver):
Planning for smart energy micro-grids on Palau - COP23 - IMG_5257
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Refugees in Rheinaue Park at COP23 - IMG_5254
John Englart (Takver):
Autumn leaves in a pool in Rheinaue park - IMG_5253
John Englart (Takver):
Environment and Climate Minister Josh Frydenberg giving Australia's speech to COP23 plenary - IMG_5249
John Englart (Takver):
Now is not the time to be silent - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2481
John Englart (Takver):
Now is not the time to be silent - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2480
John Englart (Takver):
Now is not the time to be silent - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2479
John Englart (Takver):
Freedom to Pollute - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2478
John Englart (Takver):
Freedom to Pollute - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2477
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Refugees - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2476
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Refugees - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2475
John Englart (Takver):
Unbearable - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2473
John Englart (Takver):
Freedom to Pollute - Climate sculpture in Rheinaue park for COP23 - IMG_2472
John Englart (Takver):
Rheinaue park reflections -IMG_2470
John Englart (Takver):
Rheinaue park reflections -IMG_2469
John Englart (Takver):
Rheinaue park reflections - IMG_2468
John Englart (Takver):
Prof Kevin Anderson being interviewed by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now at COP23 - IMG_2466
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Action Tracker: new warming projections on Paris Agreement pledges - IMG_2464
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Action Tracker: new warming projections on Paris Agreement pledges - IMG_2462
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Action Tracker: new warming projections on Paris Agreement pledges - IMG_2461
John Englart (Takver):
Bill Hare on Australia's emissions, fossil fuel expansion, land clearing and creative accounting at COP23 - IMG_2460
John Englart (Takver):
Climate Action Tracker: new warming projections on Paris Agreement pledges - IMG_2459
John Englart (Takver):
Mere Nailatikau from Tuvalu at CAN press conference - COP23 - IMG_2458
John Englart (Takver):
A Greenpeace projection - IMG_2457