John Englart (Takver): Banner - put a stop to the Israeli military
John Englart (Takver): Banner - Shame israel Shame
John Englart (Takver): Stop the massacre in Gaza
John Englart (Takver): Kevin Bracken, President Victorian Trades Hall Council
John Englart (Takver): Stop the Genocide
John Englart (Takver): End the Blockade - Free Palestine
John Englart (Takver): Break the Silence Break the Siege Palestine will be Free
John Englart (Takver): Palestine will be Free chanted the crowd
John Englart (Takver): Shame on You Israel
John Englart (Takver): Protest for Palestine
John Englart (Takver): Socialist Alternative - Free Palestine banner
John Englart (Takver): Latrobe University students for Palestine marching down Swanston Street
John Englart (Takver): OJ got away with murder, don't let Israel
John Englart (Takver): Anatolian Cultural Centre banner
John Englart (Takver): US$ feed Israel war crime
John Englart (Takver): Crime + Terror + Piracy = Israel
John Englart (Takver): Israel - Boycott, divest, sanction
John Englart (Takver): Police and protestors at Parliament House - Boycott apartheid Israel
John Englart (Takver): A sign in the crowd - Free Palestine End the occupation
John Englart (Takver): Kid holding Free Palestine placard
John Englart (Takver): Osmanli Tokadi
John Englart (Takver): Woman holding placard - Freedom for Palestine
John Englart (Takver): Placard - The Terrorist State of Israel must be punished