ychad: Volucelle Zonée.
dubus regis: away from the crowds - loin de la foule
dubus regis: to bee or not to bee
MRI2009: Roses et mouche
4andress: Artisans of Fez
4andress: Artisans of Fez
Jean Louis Boué: Echasse blanche
Jean Louis Boué: Epeire des bois
Jean Louis Boué: Petit Nacré
DavidHowarthAgain: Morning post
DavidHowarthAgain: Still on the wing
pottevaere: DSC09629 Bergeronette grise
pottevaere: Cochevis Huppé - DSC09290
debbiejardine: Another reflection ...
debbiejardine: Three is a crowd
Yvan LEMEUR: Au bord de l'étang
Yvan LEMEUR: Vieux gréement à la mer
bernard.ottevaere1: DSC09129-a peine sortie
ferrand-michelle: Le flambé
michel-hou: DSCF7293
michel-hou: DSCF7149
@ tameristan: Sunset at Bodrum.
Yvonne Nielsen: Smykke-stængelugle (The Cameo / Crypsedra gemmea)
Yvonne Nielsen: Fjerdrager (Plumed Prominent / Ptilophora plumigera)
Skiwalker79: Galassia di Andromeda M31
Yvonne Nielsen: Poppelspinder (December Moth / Poecilocampa populi)