jumahl: White Throated Sparrow
The Library of Congress: Flying saucer, Sir Goony Golf, Chattanooga, Tennessee (LOC)
bobthatsme: PennDOT Sculpture Garden
jumahl: Song Sparrow
bobthatsme: Great Egret
jumahl: Eagle Leaving
jumahl: Red Tailed Hawk
jumahl: Belted Kingfisher
jumahl: Eastern Screech Owl
jumahl: Merlin
jumahl: Twofer
jumahl: White Throated Sparrow
jumahl: Merlin
jumahl: Red Tail Hawk
Arlo Guthrie: Alice, Rick and Me 2022 [Explored]
jumahl: Can't We All Just Get Along?
The Library of Congress: [Cat on shoe shine stand on sidewalk] (LOC)
jumahl: Casting the net
libraryrivergirl: Northern Shoveler at Turtle Creek
libraryrivergirl: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
mgrhode1: 20210216_133157
jumahl: Red Breasted Nuthatch
journey ej: White Showy Ladyslipper
jumahl: Bluebird
jumahl: Iris
The Library of Congress: Eleanor Boardman (LOC)