hamapenguin: azalea temple
osanpo_traveller: in the light
h_plus0512: 仙台 いろは横丁
h_plus0512: Under railway viaduct.
h_plus0512: Jelly fishes
h_plus0512: The afternoon sun.
h_plus0512: Untitled.
h_plus0512: Untitled.
h_plus0512: An airport
h_plus0512: An old woman in the second street.
h_plus0512: At shioya point.
h_plus0512: 五色沼
h_plus0512: Sendai.
h_plus0512: To the sea
ktgwstilo: fetish
Lu Guada: She, like me, has no shadow
Lu Guada: Barycentre
Lu Guada: Words unsaid
marcusuke: The shores of the cosmic ocean (Wadi Rum, Jordan)
pqw93ct: 20140923_Cluster-Amaryllis_06
tabiwallah: the umbrella ain't got a chance
tabiwallah: waiting for the one that got away
tabiwallah: Tintin's alter ego revealed