tetsuya.iphone: a housing complex 団地.
tetsuya.iphone: Face off.
tetsuya.iphone: Cut it short, please.
tetsuya.iphone: partway...
tetsuya.iphone: mono time
tetsuya.iphone: silent road.
tetsuya.iphone: Snapseed
tetsuya.iphone: Snapseed
tetsuya.iphone: IMG_0111
tetsuya.iphone: Snapseed
tetsuya.iphone: masaic wall.
tetsuya.iphone: overthere...
tetsuya.iphone: One building.
tetsuya.iphone: New year @Hakata.
tetsuya.iphone: Lightning shower.
tetsuya.iphone: closed market.
tetsuya.iphone: parking area for bicycles.
tetsuya.iphone: My holiday! Bicycle,camera iPhone and I.
tetsuya.iphone: eccentric bar.
tetsuya.iphone: Sunset Hills. 夕陽が丘
tetsuya.iphone: Hilltop Flower.
tetsuya.iphone: no plan.
tetsuya.iphone: shadow and build.