Kevin Povenz: Tonight's sunset
Jeff Krol: » Sharpness
Jeff Krol: » Layers
Jeff Krol: » "Guys, I got him, he finally surrendered..."
Jeff Krol: » Divorce letter
Jeff Krol: » That day I let her go
Jeff Krol: » Porsche Design
Federico Ravassard: Sunset over Norway
Jeff Krol: » Fiat 500
Andre Matunobu: b e l i e v e r
Federico Ravassard: Waiting for the sunrise
gc232: Cleared to land
L. Paul: morning
akarakoc: Old timer & palm trees, Ocean drive
Jack Amick: DJI_0271_HDR.jpg
Mi Bob: Multi-Colored Sky
David W. Behrens: DSC_5645 Copy
Ken Scott: Lake Michigan ... November sunrise
PhotoDocGVSU: Firey Oak (11 3 2015)
PhotoDocGVSU: Riding into the Light (10 22 2015)
Kevin Povenz: Green Fire....
Ken Scott: Color Tour ... Sss curve II
PhotoDocGVSU: The Gales of November 3 (11 12 2015)
Aurex_F: Autumn
Matt Champlin: The Moraine Lake
WJMcIntosh: Maligne Lake Sunrise
HawaiiBlue: Sun Kissed Crystal Pier
Daniel.Peter: Early Snow at Palpuogna Lake
Andrea Moscato: Morning Light - Fort Lauderdale (Florida)