Time-Exposure: c34-scaled
Time-Exposure: NGC7000-rs
Time-Exposure: BroomNeb
gruntzooki: Prime's enshittified advertising
Jeffrey: Photo
_plinth_: 2019-12-31_06-57-15
lomokev: Starling murmuration above Brighton's West Pier
splityarn: 1/365
_plinth_: Nutcracker Backstage
The Bees: Sleepy blep. Or is it a mlem?
The Bees: The Potato is now grumbling at the first thunderstorm of spring. Not sure if he's seeking protection or trying to protect me, but he came to find me in the washroom when the thunder boomed.
The Bees: Congrats to @quailgarden on making a second, highly successful project bag! Whoo! #sewcialists
The Bees: Mr. Bee went down to do laundry, while munching on a pepperette. Kodak wanted to help.
The Bees: So enjoying seeing @canladdie34 in his element, talking to students at our Global Youth Forum today! Thanks for helping out, dad!
Marjotse: IMG_9923
The Bees: My boys know how to weekend right.
NASA HQ PHOTO: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (NHQ201708210100)
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: Texture. I'm quilting this one to death, both for the practice and because I'll hang it. #freemotion #libertyspikes #quilt #sewing #patchwork #handmade #quilter #homedecor #quiltlove #quiltersofinstagram #flowers
The Bees: I got to sleep in this morning, and then Mr. Bee brought Kodak upstairs and lifted him onto the bed for a cuddle! What a lovely way to wake up.
zmustapha: KHAAAAAAAN!
Mark Heine Photos: Vanishing point
The Bees: It wasn't raining at all, 10 minutes ago! Whoosh, the skies have opened. I guess this is March coming in like a lion?
colorandtexture: Louis in a scowl, I mean a cowl.
The Bees: It feels like I've been knitting this forever - but I do love it still!
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: Today is the day! Head over to the @artiststakeaction feed to bid on some unique, beautiful pieces for a great cause! Bidding is happening now! This OOAK crazy quilt pillow by me and some other beautiful pieces are up. @artiststakeaction with @repostapp
The Bees: I'm amazed how fast this little potato can boogie when we go for a walk. <3
wise craft, handmade by Blair Stocker: From our Wise Craft Quilts FB group member @mrswadley ! Join us and post your adventures in upcycled quilting! I've been buying jeans from a local thrift shop whose proceeds help fund a battered woman's shelter for my up cycled charity quilts. I was tal