Sylvester K: Heliophanus melinus jumping spider (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Heriaeus graminicola (Thomisidae)
Sylvester K: Red-bellied jumping spider (Phileas chrysops) Salticidae
Sylvester K: Spiracme striatipes (Thomisidae)
Sylvester K: Napoleon crab spider (Synema globosum, Thomisidae) with captured honey bee
Sylvester K: Heliophanus equester (Salticidae), male
Sylvester K: Sputnik spider (Paidiscura pallens) on a crocus petal
Sylvester K: Triangle crab spider (Thomisus onustus)
Sylvester K: Agenioideus sericeus spider wasp transporting a common sheetweb spider (Linyphia triangularis)
Sylvester K: Grass lynx spider (Oxyopes sp), Oxyopidae
Sylvester K: Male red-bellied jumping spider (Phileas chrysops) Salticidae, with greenbottle prey
Sylvester K: If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive
Sylvester K: Napoleon crab spider (Synema globosum)
Sylvester K: Half-edged wall jumping spider (Menemerus semilimbatus), Salticidae
Sylvester K: Tiny Spring running crab spider (Philodromidae)
Sylvester K: Half-edged wall jumping spider (Menemerus semilimbatus)
Sylvester K: Triangle crab spider (Thomisus onustus), Thomisidae
Sylvester K: Red-bellied jumping spider (Philaeus chrysops), Salticidae
Sylvester K: Pretty on pink
Sylvester K: Crab spider (Thomisidae)
Sylvester K: Attulus sp jumping spider (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Agenioideus cinctellus (Pompilidae) with captured Heliophanus sp (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Interconnection
Sylvester K: Living dangerously
Sylvester K: Evarcha arcuata (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: In the orb
Sylvester K: Orb weaver
Sylvester K: Stalking
Sylvester K: Agenioideus sericeus wasp (Pompilidae) with captured spider
Sylvester K: Oxyopes sp lynx spider on a daisy