Sylvester K: Julodis pubescens ssp. yvenii (Buprestidae)
Sylvester K: Pea blue (Lampides boeticus), Lycaenidae
Sylvester K: Truxalis nasuta (Acrididae)
Sylvester K: Cretan small heath (Coenonympha thyrsis)
Sylvester K: Bembix oculata sand wasp (Crabronidae)
Sylvester K: Stizus cf ruficornis (Crabronidae)
Sylvester K: Holopyga fervida/amoenula (Chrysididae), male
Sylvester K: Fallenia fasciata (Nemestrinidae)
Sylvester K: Zygaena punctum (Zygaenidae)
Sylvester K: Ceylalictus variegatus (Halictidae), female
Sylvester K: Stichopogon sp (Asilidae)
Sylvester K: Eucera sp (Apidae)
Sylvester K: Little robber fly
Sylvester K: Lulworth skipper (Thymelicus acteon), Hesperiidae
Sylvester K: Common geranium bronze (Cacyreus marshalii), Lycaenidae
Sylvester K: Spogostylum tripunctatum (Bombyliidae)
Sylvester K: Eastern Bath white (Pontia edusa), Pieridae
Sylvester K: Anthaxia lucens (Buprestidae)
Sylvester K: Anthidium florentinum (Megachilidae)
Sylvester K: Amictus pictus (Bombyliidae)
Sylvester K: Southern comma (Polygonia egea)
Sylvester K: Parodontodynerus ephippium (Eumeninae, Vespidae)
Sylvester K: Red-bellied jumping spider (Phileas chrysops) Salticidae
Sylvester K: Napoleon crab spider (Synema globosum, Thomisidae) with captured honey bee
Sylvester K: Heliophanus melinus jumping spider (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Triangle crab spider (Thomisus onustus)
Sylvester K: Grass lynx spider (Oxyopes sp), Oxyopidae
Sylvester K: Male red-bellied jumping spider (Phileas chrysops) Salticidae, with greenbottle prey
Sylvester K: If you want to live and thrive, let the spider run alive
Sylvester K: Napoleon crab spider (Synema globosum)