Sylvester K: Chrysanthia sp. beetles on a rockrose petal
Sylvester K: Southern green shieldbug (Nezara viridula), nymph
Sylvester K: Hoplitis sp (f)
Sylvester K: Lizard basking in the sun
Sylvester K: Rhodanthidium sticticum leafcutter bee (Megachilidae)
Sylvester K: Chrysura cf dichroa grooming after visiting a flower
Sylvester K: Unidentified jumping spider (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Aelurillus monardi (Salticidae)
Sylvester K: Menemerus semilimbatus (Salticidae), male
Sylvester K: Arachtober 15th: keeping a low profile
Sylvester K: Sandy landscape jumping spider
Sylvester K: Cyrba algerina (Salticidae), male
Sylvester K: Got one!
Sylvester K: Hoopoe (Upupa epops)
Sylvester K: Showing off
Sylvester K: European beewolf (Philanthus triangulum)
Sylvester K: Southern brown argus
Sylvester K: Chrysura cf dichroa cuckoo wasp (Chrisididae)
Sylvester K: Mason bee (Osmia cf submicans), Megachilidae
Sylvester K: Plasterer bee, Colletes sp.
Sylvester K: Arachtober 19th: Black and yellow
Sylvester K: A gold-faced digger wasp (view large)
Sylvester K: Small creature comforts
Sylvester K: Lomatia sp, Bombyliidae bee fly
Sylvester K: Arachtober 22nd: Crab spider which just captured a beetle
Sylvester K: Napoleon crab spider (Synema globosum)
Sylvester K: Cyrba algerina jumping spider (Salticidae), male
Sylvester K: Lomatia sp. bee fly (Bombyliidae)
Sylvester K: Villa ixion bee fly