patchandi: DSC_0024
CinnaR: All DONE ... label or no label
annamariahorner: wool.patching
CB Handmade: grey gingham patchwork quilt.
annamariahorner: feather.bed
StitchedInColor: for do. Good Stitches
Safiya Alyse: Sew Happy Quilt-a-long Woven block
emalc: Beachy Quilt top
spquilts: Echo block
Applecyder: layout - almost all the blocks together
Lori Hartman Designs: Tangerine Tango Challenge
Sew Katie Did: Pantone Pop
i don't do dishes...: its finally finished!!!!!
BlueElephantStitches: Granny Squares Scrappy Quilt
kelbysews: Pure Square City
bloomingpoppies: "fact or fiction" quilt front
dickespaulinchen: Eurovision quilters - my top
teaginny: Solid Hexagon Pillow
bwquilts: Bookshelf Quilt
filminthefridge: kites in the clouds
One Green Apple: 2011_05292011_Apr030022
Lindsay Széchényi: Houndstooth Quilt Top
the workroom: English Paper Piecing
Laurraine Yuyama: Crane Star
Ann StewArt: Final destination
freshlypieced: Modern Meadow Baby Quilt
turning*turning: Cartwheel Quilting
weezie lou: Roman Stripes 02