patchandi: Here 'tis @missyarnwrap xxxx
patchandi: A dear friend is sick in hospital and needed a bit of help finishing up a quilt. She was short one block so I whipped this one up from my scrap bin. #prettyscraps
patchandi: 43C (109F) in Melbourne today! This was our local pool at 7:30pm. Hot hot hot!!! ☀️☀️☀️
patchandi: A cute use for an extra large tea cup
patchandi: The most complex 8" block I've had to make so far. Thank goodness most of the other blocks are much simpler to construct. Will be so worth it in the end! #youpatch
patchandi: Pixeling along! #youpatch
patchandi: 46,656 stitches. Done and dusted!! #happydance
patchandi: single rose2
patchandi: single rose1
patchandi: bouquet flowers2
patchandi: bouquet flowers1
patchandi: basket flowers2
patchandi: basket flowers1
patchandi: dog without background fewer colors3
patchandi: dog without background fewer colors1
patchandi: dog with background2
patchandi: dog with background1
patchandi: cat whole body2
patchandi: cat whole body1
patchandi: cat head3
patchandi: cat head2
patchandi: cat head1
patchandi: Finished this quilt a while ago but have never had it on my bed. I think it has found a new home.
patchandi: The 11th Doctor, pixelated with #youpatch. Would you prefer a more photo-realistic quilt like this one? Or a more pop-art-y one like Marilyn?
patchandi: Fabric has arrived for my next 2 pixel quilts :-) #konacottonsolids @robertkaufman
patchandi: photo 3
patchandi: photo 2
patchandi: photo 1
patchandi: Finished, quilted and bound!! Loving seeing Marilyn hanging on my wall :-)
patchandi: Using lots and lots of thread at YouPatch HQ today #quiltingupastorm