Shahrin Ahmad (ShahGazer): Sun and the giant AR2192 - 20 Oct 2014
SalehuddinLokman: Ranu Pane, Semeru Mountain, Indonesia
liewwk - ... feeding lo !!! ...
sivakasiinfo: Electricity wireman
ted adnan: Right after 1st #breakfast, I heads over to Lake View Subang #Malaysia for a #Classic #American meet. Lo and behold! My old friend @mizzdeni & hubby @asepahmad were there too! #TedAdnanbilang ... so, out came the #Nikon and the #Samsung #Note2 camera #ig
Aaron M. Coyle: Extraction
alonsodr: Natural protector
Hafsham Ibrahim: Two of us..
alonsodr: Via Lactea (1321 sec)
Lukjonis: Grub - Cerura vinula
Lukjonis: Moth Caterpillar - Cerura vinula
BoggyBayou: great egret mating plumage
Ben Heine: Nowhere to be Found