Lukjonis: Slime mold - Comatricha nigra
Lukjonis: Portrait of Ground wolf spider - Trochosa terricola
Lukjonis: Black-palped Jumping Spider - Pseudeuophrys erratica
Lukjonis: Slender Springtail - Orchesella flavescens
Lukjonis: SAR arc over Lithuania
Lukjonis: Natural snowflake crystal close-up macro photo
Lukjonis: Jumping spider portrait - Marpissa muscosa
Lukjonis: Portrait of Tiger Beetle - Cicindela campestris, background with beetle
Lukjonis: Green Tiger Beetle - Cicindela campestris
Lukjonis: Spider portrait, jumping spider portrait - Pellenes tripunctatus
Lukjonis: Spider portrait, jumping spider portrait - Pellenes tripunctatus
Lukjonis: Spider portrait, jumping spider portrait - Aurelius v-insignitus
Lukjonis: Jumping spider portrait - Yllenus arenarius
Lukjonis: Jumping spider (male) - Yllenus arenarius
Lukjonis: Jumping spider Salticus cingulatus. Eyes of Salticus cingulatus
Lukjonis: Linopode - linopodes motatorius, a really small creature of mites you can find in the forest
Lukjonis: Scary portrait of Ground wolf spider - Trochosa terricola
Lukjonis: Portrait of Wolf spider - Pardosa sp
Lukjonis: Slender springtail - Orchesella flavescens
Lukjonis: Snowflake on smooth gradient background. Macro photo of real snow crystal on glass surface. This is small snowflake with unusual pattern.
Lukjonis: Snowflake on smooth gradient background. Macro photo of real snow crystal on glass surface. This is small snowflake with unusual pattern.
Lukjonis: Snowflake on smooth gradient background. Macro photo of real snow crystal on glass surface. This is small snowflake with unusual pattern.
Lukjonis: Female jumping spider Evarcha falcata close up portrait
Lukjonis: Caterpillars frightening pose, unique animal behaviour. Moth Caterpillar - Cerura vinula
Lukjonis: Beautiful Grey Dunes in Lithuania, Dead Dunes at the Curonian Spit in Lithuania
Lukjonis: Eyes of jumping spider - Pellenes tripunctatus female
Lukjonis: Panorama of Giant shelf cloud in the evening light
Lukjonis: "Atomic cloud"
Lukjonis: Power of the Storm
Lukjonis: Pasque flowers