IdoNotes: Connections Next anyone
IdoNotes: IMG-20120116-00021
IdoNotes: Suzanne on her annual big screen
IdoNotes: Suzanne shows Connections Next
flyboytyler: IMG_0125.JPG
IdoNotes: Minassian takes the stage
KEMort: IMG_9060
p_a_h: Suzanne Livingston
elsua: Lotusphere 2008 - Day 1
KEMort: WebSphere Portal Next
IdoNotes: Suzanne in the demo glow
flyboytyler: Suzanne Livingston
cybersooz: Beautiful Boston Bride!
simplynatephoto: Minassian Wedding
simplynatephoto: Minassian Wedding
simplynatephoto: Minassian Wedding
IdoNotes: Lotusphere2009_0113.JPG
IdoNotes: Lotusphere2009_0119.JPG
andyp uk: IBM - apparently, like a candy store
andyp uk: Minassian on Social Software
andyp uk: Social Software transformation at IBM
markhillary: Innovation Idol at Lotusphere 2008
CuriousMitch: Lotusphere 2008 OGS
IdoNotes: SANY0033.JPG
wittywd40: Pumpkin throwing up