elsua: Stairway to heaven, the summer
elsua: Green lush
elsua: Hiking out and about
elsua: Rocks and the waves
elsua: The soothing landscape
elsua: Plentiful
elsua: Hiking up in the mountains
elsua: Still growing up
elsua: Red rose in full bloom
elsua: Ladies & Gentlemen, the Weekend
elsua: On the shade
elsua: Peaceful and quiet much?
elsua: Still missing you every day
elsua: Up close, but keeping the distance
elsua: Mexican petunia - Aligned
elsua: Globe cactus
elsua: Kalanchoe gone pink
elsua: Anthurium in full bloom
elsua: Ladies & Gentlemen, The Weekend
elsua: Readying for the summer weekend
elsua: Views from Caldera de Bandama
elsua: Drops of water on a red rose
elsua: Meloneras sunset
elsua: Stroll along the beach
elsua: Tracks on the sand dunes
elsua: Bear’s paw
elsua: Brunch!
elsua: Perfection
elsua: Bougainvillea
elsua: Weekend hiking