lwordish2010: Mario Flowerpots
Fort Photo: Fright Flight of the Snow Geese
MistyDaze: After sunset, moon, 'ghost geese'.
Alida's Photos: I couldn't resist...
"சிலம்பொலி" Arun: Jelly Fish......EXPLORED 7Aug09
PixelPumpkinKitty: PPK mosaic - Tiger grooming
planetjune: worms (polymer clay) set of pieces
hvhe1: Happy landings
Doctor Octoroc: "A Bit Of The Arts" November 2009
妹文: 固力果先生也是個有名招牌
B℮n: Double A trees
traumlichtfabrik: "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." [HDR]
顔なし: A Jellyfish is neither Jelly nor a fish.
faunafrailty: Perler bead sun and moon
gfixler: Rubik Mario Mosaic Project - last piece
NES--still-the-best: Super Mario Bros.
Cilest: Stranded
Joel Wintersteller: Perler Beads Joker Mosaic
ghosts_in_towers: Dragon Quest Tree - WIP
Express Monorail: Disney - Illimunations - Reflections of Earth (1) (Explored)
David Gemignani: Mr. Satan
Spice ♥ 浦辻リン: A display of Fireworks 2007
[ Kane ]: On Holiday.
lombo311: Wario...in flames (perler)
Samurai John: Travelers
Doctor Octoroc: A-Team: Van and Group Bead Sprites
Doctor Octoroc: Back to the Future De Lorean 3-D Bead Sprite (front)
Doctor Octoroc: Christie Moneiro Bead Sprite (Tekken 5)