shelleysbuttons: 3-21-19 ruddy duck bill reflection
shelleysbuttons: 3-21-19 ruddy duck
Vince Capp: Palm Warbler- Veteran's Memorial Park
Brad Carlson's Photos: Black-headed Gull
billoddie3: Hedgehog. Erinaceus
lovewb22: DSC_0348
JB Barton: Hermit Thrush - Bucks CO., PA
Eric C. Reuter: Common Loon with Crab
Eric C. Reuter: Common Loon with Crab
Eric C. Reuter: Pacific Loon
Eric C. Reuter: Pacific Loon with Crab claw
Eric C. Reuter: Pacific Loon with Crab claw
kenfeustel: Eurasian Wigeon at Avon Lake, Amityville
Will Stuart: Aplomado Falcon, Buena Vista Road south of Laguna Atascosa NWR, December, 2012
Vince Capp: White Ibis- Green Key
Vince Capp: Sandhill Cranes- Crews Lake Wilderness Park
navanbird: Carolina Wren_1J8A5875
kenfeustel: Clay-colored Sparrow on Post Road, Quogue
Eric C. Reuter: Belted Kingfisher (Male)
Brad Carlson's Photos: Vesper Sparrow
Brad Carlson's Photos: Short-eared Owl
Brad Carlson's Photos: Short-eared Owl
Brad Carlson's Photos: Purple Finch
Vince Capp: Eastern Meadowlark- McKendree Road Pasturelands
JB Barton: E Phoebe - Sarasota, FL
Salamanderdance: Coopers hawk
JB Barton: White-throated Sparrow - Buck Co, PA
JB Barton: - Buck Co, PA
billoddie3: Song Thrush. Turdus. Philomelos
JB Barton: Lesser Black-backer Gull - Buck Co, PA