Will Stuart: Red-spotted Purple, South Mountains Game Lands, North Carolina
Will Stuart: Zebra Swallowtail on Butterfly Weed, Anson County, North Carolina
Will Stuart: Coral Hairstreak, Carolina Sandhills NWR, Chesterfield County, SC
Will Stuart: Calopogon tuberosus, North Carolina Sandhills Game Lands, Richmond County
Will Stuart: Calopogon tuberosus, North Carolina Sandhills Game Lands, Richmond County
Will Stuart: Monarch on Butterflyweed, Carolina Sandhills NWR
Will Stuart: Red-cockaded Woodpecker at the Nest
Will Stuart: Eastern Pine Elfin, Rome Sand Plains, Rome, NY
Will Stuart: Hessel's Hairstreak on Amelanchier obovalis
Will Stuart: Eastern Bluebird on Dogwood, North Carolina Sandhills Game Lands
Will Stuart: Pipevine Swallowtail on Asclepias tuberosa, Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge
Will Stuart: Eastern Giant Swallowtail, New River Valley, Ashe County, North Carolina
Will Stuart: Chestnut-collared Longspur: Medicine Lake NWR
Will Stuart: Monarda didyma, Heintooga Round Bottom Road, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Will Stuart: Lilium superbum: Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina
Will Stuart: Calopogon pallidus, NC Sandhills Game Lands
Will Stuart: Trillium catesbaei, "Bashful Trillium", South Mountains Game Lands
Will Stuart: Birdsfoot Violet, Carolina Sandhills NWR
Will Stuart: Henry's Elfin on Kalmia buxifolia
Will Stuart: Great Purple Hairstreak on Chickasaw Plum, Carolina Sandhills NWR
Will Stuart: Brown Elfin 2021
Will Stuart: Eastern Towhee in Cornus florida, N. C. Sandhills Game Lands
Will Stuart: Hermit Thrush in Flowering Dogwood
Will Stuart: Eastern Bluebird in Flowering Dogwood
Will Stuart: A favorite southeast U. S. endemic, Symphyotrichum grandiflorum.
Will Stuart: Dalea pinnata and Liatris cokeri, N C Sandhills Game Lands
Will Stuart: Eastern Giant Swallowtail along the New River, Ashe County, N.C.
Will Stuart: Eurybia paludosa, NC Sandhills Game Lands.
Will Stuart: Libellula flavida Male, NC Sandhills Game Lands
Will Stuart: Libellula flavida on Clethra alnifolia