uknaturephoto: Seal Pup playing in the surf
Mike Woolley: Goosander (m)
mdgillies67: Smew Drake at Broadwood (7.1.25)
mdgillies67: Goldeneye at Broadwood (7.1.25)
Wild Planet Photography: Grouse by Simon Roy
I_middlebrook: Nezara viridula (Southern Green Shieldbug)
Clive Brown 72: Eurasian Jay ( Garrulus glandarius ) - Ever cautious !!
dmchissie: Red Deer
christineperry1: Red Grouse
dmchissie: Otters
Wayne_Tucker: Bearded Tit male
Bablemikey: _5_R1779
John Tymon: Grey Wagtail - Male (Winter Plumage)
Mike Brownhill UK: Dappled Light
Photo Crazy Rob: Little Crake
dmchissie: Merlin
cazalegg: Bearded Reedlings - Panurus biarmicus
RJCarpenterPhotograhy: As above a tit; so below a tit
craig.denford: Parakeets and Sunflowers
Steve Boolds: Redwing
johncheckley: 2024-1413 - Marbled White, Barnack Hills & Holes, Peterborough.
Nezgsy: A good haul
Spenature 2.: A Male Bearded Reedling / Tit . Not been on Flickr for ages due to Laptop replacement , hopefully all good now .
Stuart Carlton: Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus
Smudge 9000: Sparrowhawk female (Accipiter nisus)
cazalegg: Bearded Reedling (M) - Panurus biarmicus
Smudge 9000: Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in the failing light